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January 29, 2020
Kate Marshall

Podcast: 3 perks for remote teams

In the age of remote workers, off-site employees are looking for perks just like on-site team members.

But it’s not as easy to engage remote employees with catered lunches or office happy hours when they are remote.

Companies and culture departments have to get more flexible.

In this episode of the perks series on Crafting Culture, I do something really radical: encourage HR leaders to get creative with perks for remote employees, along with:

  • Giving examples of creative perks for remote teams
  • What perks modern employees are expecting from their work
  • Why workplaces need to be more flexible today

Take a quick listen now:

Find other episodes of Crafting Culture here, and let us know how you approach perks for your remote workforce by giving us a shout on LinkedIn or Twitter.


Kate Marshall: They learned how to make vegan mac and cheese from one of their developers. So they apparently double as a chef outside of work and are vegan. So they taught their entire Team how to make mac and cheese on a screen.

Announcer: You're listening to crafting culture a podcast dedicated to helping CEOs, people Ops, and HR teams create an incredible company culture if you're looking for inspiration, practical advice, or tangible examples of What great culture looks like then you've come to the place. Let's get into the show. 

Kate: Welcome back to crafting culture. My name is Kate Marshall. I'm the head of content at zestful and the host of the perk series for crafting culture today. We'll be talking about solving perks for remote employees and teams. 

We are witnessing a workplace revolution. More and more companies are starting to gravitate towards a partially or fully remote workforce and accordingly more and more employees are expected. in to have at least some level of remote flexibility off the bat. 68% of employees believe that perks and their workplace are just as important as traditional benefits, but there are some hurdles to jump when it comes to those same workplace perks, but for remote teams. Someone who works remotely for your company isn't going to care that you have a dog friendly workplace or catered lunch on Fridays. Companies and culture departments have to get more flexible and maybe even Implement tools that will help not only the inclusivity of your remote workforce, but with overall perk program engagement that spans across your entire company. One of our clients, Tax Jar, has a completely remote team that they still managed to make a giant celebration out of birthdays and anniversaries. They recently held a team wide Cake Wars competition on screen and another example of a way that they have a super successful remote team is a they do these things called skill shares. So it's an hour a month where their employees, AKA jarheads, offers to teach some sort of skill or spend time educating the team on something that they're passionate about. It's live on a zoom call. So anyone can join and one example that was super fun and they actually have an example of this online is they learned how to make vegan mac and cheese from one of their developers. So they apparently double as a chef outside of work and are vegan. So they taught their entire Team how to make mac and cheese on a screen. 

For more on remote work including tips for both the employer and the remote worker head to zestful.com slash guides, and if you want to connect with me on LinkedIn, I'm super active on there and would love to chat with you. You can just search Kate Marshall Zestful and I'll pop up. 

Announcer: 53% of employees today say having fringe benefits at work increases in our quality of life. And when you get to say goodbye to the reimbursement process your quality of life increases too. Zestful consolidates employee perks rewards and recognition all into one easy to use platform see a special sneak peek of what your company can gain from zestful is employee perk software by visiting zestful.com / crafting culture. That's Z E S T F U L dot com slash crafting culture. Thanks for listening to crafting culture from Swedish Media. Whether it's at the office or at home, here's to getting better every single day. Let's never stop learning. 

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